Harlem Street Gallery

áAli DeSousa, son of Cabo Verde, he is and American Artist.

áAli DeSousa

The artistic expressions of DeSousa are revealed through his meditative states, chanting, prayers, and visions. These cosmological experiences leave him with profound expressions on his mind  screen. Images that connect to deep feelings about our collective human experience.

Art became integral to the áAli DeSousa’s life at the tender age of eight years. His third grade teacher Miss Figure (ironically) one day handed him a set of pastel crayons and large art paper in an effort to encourage him to communicate. Since that time artistic expressions in one way or another serve as his voice to the world. Artwork flowing through DeSousa’s personage explores the relationships between the cosmological, esoteric, metaphysical, and society.

Beyond traditional fine art DeSousa is on of the world’s most remarkable digital artists